Package 'varlasso'

Title: Vector Autoregressive State Space Models With Shrinkage
Description: The varlasso package uses Stan ( to fit VAR state space models with optional shrinkage priors on B matrix elements (autoregression coefficients).
Authors: Eric Ward [aut, cre], Mark Scheuerell [ctb], Kristin Marshall [ctb]
Maintainer: Eric Ward <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=3)
Version: 0.0.1
Built: 2025-03-18 05:51:43 UTC

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The 'varlasso' package.




Stan Development Team (2020). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.21.2.

Fit a varlasso model to multivariate time series data


fit is the primary function for fitting models with varlasso.


  shared_q = NULL,
  shared_r = NULL,
  fixed_r = NULL,
  est_trend = FALSE,
  varss = TRUE,
  b_diag = list(mu = 0.7, sd = 1),
  b_diag_min = 0,
  b_offdiag = list(mu = 0, sd = 1),
  off_diag_prior = c("normal", "student-t", "laplace", "hs", "normal_pp"),
  sigma_pro = list(mu = 0, sd = 1),
  sigma_obs = list(mu = 0, sd = 1),
  nu = NULL,
  sigma_scale = list(df = 3, sd = 2),
  hs = list(df = 1, df_global = 1, df_slab = 4, scale_global = 1, scale_slab = 2),
  unique_reg = FALSE,
  pars_to_monitor = NULL,
  iter = 1000,
  warmup = floor(iter/2),
  thin = 1,
  chains = 3,
  save_log_lik = FALSE,
  estimation = c("sampling", "optimizing", "vb"),
  est_hessian = FALSE,
  prior_only = FALSE,



The data, as a long format dataframe


Optional vector with integers indicating which process variance parameters are shared; defaults to constant process variances shared across species.


Optional vector with integers indicating which observation variance parameters are shared; defaults to shared observation variances across species.


Optional scalar or vector of values to be passed in for a model where observation error variances are not estimated. Defaults to NULL, and them being estimated. Cannot be set to zero.


Whether or not to estimate a species-specific trend, defaults to FALSE


Boolean, whether to fit a VARSS model (defaults to true) or VAR model


A 2 element list specifying the mean and sd of a normal prior on the diagonal elements. These elements are mu (default= 0.7) and sd (default = 1)


The minimum value of the B diagonal, defaults to 0. Setting this lower, e.g. -1, allows for oscillations


A 2 element list specifying the mean and sd of a normal prior on the off-diagonal elements. These elements are mu (default= 0) and sd (default = 1)


Character string denoting which prior to use for off-diagonal elements. Can be "normal" (independent priors estimated for each) parameter, "normal_pp" (normal prior with partial pooling, where model is hierarchical with an estimated standard deviation), "student-t" (hierarchical student-t model used with estimated scale and df), "laplace" (double-exponential model used with estimated scale) or "hs" (regularized horseshoe prior used, following parameterization in rstanarm)


A 2 element list specifying the mean and sd of a half Student-t prior on the process variance standard deviation. Elements of the list are mu (default= 0) and sd (default = 1), and the prior df is fixed at 3


A 2 element list specifying the mean and sd of a half Student-t prior on the process variance standard deviation. Elements of the list are mu (default= 0) and sd (default = 1), and the prior df is fixed at 3


Optional known parameter (df) for Student-t priors


A 2 element list specifying the df and sd parameters for a half Student-t prior on the scale parameter. This is only used for the Laplace and Student-t priors; default values are 3 for df and 2 for sd


A list containing the hyperparameters of the horseshoe prior. Default values are df (df of the Student-t prior for local shrinkage, defaults to 1), df_global (Student-t df of the global shrinkage, defaults to 1), df_slab (df of the Student-t prior on the slab regularization, defaults to 4), scale_global (Scale for Student-t prior on global shrinkage, defaults to 1), scale_slab (Scale of the Student-t prior on shrikage parameter, defaults to 2).


Boolean, whether to estimate unique regularization parameters for the Student-t or Laplace models (defaults to false)


Optional string vector of which parameters to monitor. By default this is NULL and only most important parameters are monitored (variances, B matrix, etc). This can be the word "all", in which case all parameters are saved (this may be good for loo::loo_moment_match() for example).


Number of MCMC iterations, defaults to 1000


Warmup / burn in phase, defaults to 500


MCMC thin, defaults to 1


MCMC chains, defaults to 3


Whether to save log_lik, defaults to FALSE for speed


Whether to do MCMC sampling ("sampling"; default), maximum posterior estimation ("optimizing") or Stan's variational algrotim ("vb")


Whether to estimate hessian matrix if doing MAP estimation, defaults to FALSE


Whether to only generate samples from the prior distribution, defaults to FALSE


Extra arguments to pass to sampling


an object of class 'stanfit'


iter <- 50
warmup <- 20
thin <- 1
chains <- 1

n_ts <- 4
n_time <- 70
n_burn <- 50
xx <- matrix(0, n_time, n_ts)
xx[1, ] <- rnorm(n_ts)
B <- matrix(rnorm(n = n_ts * n_ts, mean = 0, sd = 0.1), n_ts, n_ts)
diag(B) <- runif(n_ts, min = 0.7, max = 0.9)

for (i in 2:n_time) {
  xx[i, ] <- B %*% xx[i - 1, ] + rnorm(n_ts, mean = 0, sd = 0.04)
xx <- xx[-c(1:n_burn), ]

yy <- xx + rnorm(n = nrow(xx) * ncol(xx), mean = 0, sd = 0.02)
df <- data.frame(
  "time" = rep(1:nrow(yy), ncol(yy)),
  "species" = sort(rep(1:ncol(yy), nrow(yy))),
  "y" = c(yy)

# fit basic model with normal independent priors
m <- fit(data = df, chains = chains, iter = iter, warmup = warmup, thin = thin)
# fit same model with shrinkage using student-t priors
m_t <- fit(
  data = df, chains = chains, iter = iter, warmup = warmup, thin = thin,
  off_diag_prior = "student-t"
# fit same model using student-t priors and known df
m_t_known <- fit(
  data = df, chains = chains, iter = iter, warmup = warmup, thin = thin,
  off_diag_prior = "student-t", nu = 4
# fit same model using laplace priors
m_lp <- fit(
  data = df, chains = chains, iter = iter, warmup = warmup, thin = thin,
  off_diag_prior = "laplace"
# fit same model using horseshoe priors
m_hs <- fit(
  data = df, chains = chains, iter = iter, warmup = warmup, thin = thin,
  off_diag_prior = "hs"

# include example for just sampling from priors
m <- fit(
  data = df, chains = chains, iter = iter,
  warmup = warmup, thin = thin, prior_only = TRUE