Title: | Time Varying Vector Autoregressive State Space Models |
Description: | The tvvarss package uses Stan (mc-stan.org) to fit multi-site multivariate autoregressive (aka vector autoregressive) state space models with a time varying interaction matrix. |
Authors: | Eric Ward [aut, cre], Mark Scheuerell [aut], Steve Katz [aut] |
Maintainer: | Eric Ward <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=3) |
Version: | 0.1.1 |
Built: | 2025-01-28 04:41:46 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/atsa-es/tvvarss |
The tvvarss package uses Stan (mc-stan.org) to fit multi-site multivariate autoregressive (aka vector autoregressive) state space models with a time varying interaction matrix.
Package: | tvvarss |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Time Varying Vector Autoregressive State Space Models |
Version: | 0.1.1 |
Authors@R: | as.person(c( "Eric Ward <[email protected]> [aut, cre]", "Mark Scheuerell <[email protected]> [aut]", "Steve Katz <[email protected]> [aut]" )) |
Maintainer: | Eric Ward <[email protected]> |
Description: | The tvvarss package uses Stan (mc-stan.org) to fit multi-site multivariate autoregressive (aka vector autoregressive) state space models with a time varying interaction matrix. |
License: | GPL (>=3) |
Depends: | R (>= 3.4.0) |
Imports: | MASS, methods, Rcpp (>= 0.12.0), RcppParallel (>= 5.0.1), rstan (>= 2.18.1), rstantools (>= 2.1.1), ggplot2, viridisLite, loo (>= 2.0.0), rlang (>= 0.3.1) |
LinkingTo: | BH (>= 1.66.0), Rcpp (>= 0.12.0), RcppEigen (>=, RcppParallel (>= 5.0.1), rstan (>= 2.18.1), StanHeaders (>= 2.18.0) |
Suggests: | testthat, knitr, rmarkdown |
Encoding: | UTF-8 |
LazyData: | true |
URL: | https://atsa-es.github.io/tvvarss/, https://github.com/atsa-es/tvvarss |
BugReports: | https://github.com/atsa-es/tvvarss/issues |
Roxygen: | list(markdown = TRUE) |
RoxygenNote: | 7.1.1 |
SystemRequirements: | GNU make |
Biarch: | true |
VignetteBuilder: | knitr |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | make |
Repository: | https://atsa-es.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/atsa-es/tvvarss |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 31da937bf91afb3ee0b716d785a95bad377eb26c |
Author: | Eric Ward [aut, cre], Mark Scheuerell [aut], Steve Katz [aut] |
Index of help topics:
sim2fit Simulate TVVAR model and add observation error simTVVAR Simulate the process component of a TVVARSS model tvvarss Fit a TVVARSS model to multivariate time series data tvvarss-package Time Varying Vector Autoregressive State Space Models
Eric Ward [aut, cre], Mark Scheuerell [aut], Steve Katz [aut]
Maintainer: Eric Ward <[email protected]>
Francis, T.B. E. Wolkovich, S.E. Hampton, M.D. Scheuerell, S.L. Katz, and E.E. Holmes. 2014. Shifting regimes and changing interactions in the Lake Washington, USA, plankton community from 1962–1994. PLoS ONE 9(10): e110363. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110363.
Hampton, S. E., Holmes, E. E., Scheef, L. P., Scheuerell, M. D., Katz, S. L., Pendleton, D. E. and Ward, E. J. 2013. Quantifying effects of abiotic and biotic drivers on community dynamics with multivariate autoregressive (MAR) models. Ecology, 94: 2663–2669. doi:10.1890/13-0996.1
Holmes, E. E., E. J. Ward, and M. D. Scheuerell. 2012. Analysis of multivariate time-series using the MARSS package. NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd E., Seattle, WA 98112
Holmes, E. E., E. J. Ward and K. Wills. 2012. MARSS: Multivariate autoregressive state-space models for analyzing time-series data. R Journal 4: 11-19.
Ives, A.R., B. Dennis, K.L. Cottingham, and S.R. Carpenter. 2003. Estimating community stability and ecological interactions from time-series data. Ecological Monographs, 73(2), pp. 301–330.
Ives, A.R. and V. Dakos. 2012. Detecting dynamical changes in nonlinear time series using locally linear state-space models. Ecosphere 3(6):58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES11-00347.1
Optional links to other man pages, e.g.
#simple examples of the most important functions
#simple examples of the most important functions
adds observation error to a simulated TVVAR process and
converts it to a form suitable for fitting with tvvarss
sim2fit(obj, n_sims, sd = 0.1, new_real = TRUE)
sim2fit(obj, n_sims, sd = 0.1, new_real = TRUE)
obj |
A fitted |
n_sims |
The number of realizations of the TVVAR process. |
sd |
The standard deviation of the Gaussian observation errors. Can be set to 0 for no observation error. |
new_real |
If n_sims > 1, logical indicator of whether to base the new observations on a new realization of the TVVAR process. |
This is a helper function that takes a fitted simTVVAR
object and
simulates multiple realizations of the process before adding Gaussian
obsveration errors.
An array with dimensions c(n_sim, TT, n_spp)
set.seed(123) ## number of time steps TT <- 30 ## number of spp/guilds nn <- 4 ## CASE 1: linear food chain topo <- matrix(list(0), nn, nn) for (i in 1:(nn - 1)) { topo[i, i + 1] <- "td" topo[i + 1, i] <- "bu" } ## simulate process lfc <- simTVVAR(Bt = NULL, topo = topo, TT = 30, var_QX = rev(seq(1, 4) / 40), cov_QX = 0, var_QB = 0.05, cov_QB = 0) ## create data array with 3 realizations of the process dat <- sim2fit(lfc, 3)
set.seed(123) ## number of time steps TT <- 30 ## number of spp/guilds nn <- 4 ## CASE 1: linear food chain topo <- matrix(list(0), nn, nn) for (i in 1:(nn - 1)) { topo[i, i + 1] <- "td" topo[i + 1, i] <- "bu" } ## simulate process lfc <- simTVVAR(Bt = NULL, topo = topo, TT = 30, var_QX = rev(seq(1, 4) / 40), cov_QX = 0, var_QB = 0.05, cov_QB = 0) ## create data array with 3 realizations of the process dat <- sim2fit(lfc, 3)
simulates the process (state) component of a TVVARSS model.
simTVVAR( Bt = NULL, topo = NULL, TT, var_QX, cov_QX, var_QB, cov_QB = 0, QQ_XX = NULL, QQ_BB = NULL, X0 = NULL, CC = NULL, cc = NULL )
simTVVAR( Bt = NULL, topo = NULL, TT, var_QX, cov_QX, var_QB, cov_QB = 0, QQ_XX = NULL, QQ_BB = NULL, X0 = NULL, CC = NULL, cc = NULL )
Bt |
A matrix describing the topology of the food web (see 'Details').
If |
topo |
Optional list matrix describing the presumed topology of the community. Pairwise interactions are specified as density-dependent ("dd"), top-down ("td"), bottom-up ("bu"), competitive/facilitative ("cf"), or absent ("zero"). If specified, pairwise interactions will be constrained in an approporiate manner (e.g., top-down effects are between -1 and 0). |
TT |
Number of time steps to simulate. |
var_QX |
Scalar or vector of variances for process errors of states. |
cov_QX |
Covariance, if any, of the process errors of the states; if |
var_QB |
Scalar or vector of variances for process errors of B. |
cov_QB |
Covariance, if any, of process errors of B; if |
Optionally specify the explicit form for the var-cov matrix Q of the process errors of the states. |
Optionally specify the explicit form for the var-cov matrix Q of the process errors of B. |
X0 |
Optionally specify vector of initial states; |
CC |
Optionally specify matrix of covariate effects on states. |
cc |
Optionally specify matrix of covariates. |
can be used in one of two ways when simulating a TVVAR model:
with initial numeric values of B (i.e., B0).
If QQ_BB = matrix(0, n, n)
then, a time-invariant (MARSS) model is
simulated based on these values.
with actual values of B for each time
step, including B0. This is useful for simulating multiple realizations
of the same process.
can be used to specify the food web topology by passing an
with a combination of character
values in the off-diagonal elements; the diagonal should
always contain "dd"
as density-dependence is implicit in this
model. Use 0 or "zero" to indicate no interaction and the following
codes for ecological interactions:
to indicate a top-down interaction
to indicate a bottom-up interaction
to indicate a competitive/facilitative
See 'Examples' for details on formatting B0
A list with the following components:
An array of the B matrix over time; dim(B_mat) = c(n,n,T+1)
The process errors for B; dim(WW_BB) = c(n^2,T)
Variance-covariance matrix of the process errors for B; dim(QQ_BB) = c(n^2,n^2)
A matrix of the states over time; dim(states) = c(n,T+1)
The process errors (innovations) for the states; dim(WW_XX) = c(n,T)
Variance-covariance matrix of the process errors for the states; dim(QQ_XX) = c(n,n)
The function call as returned by match.call()
# set.seed(123) # ## number of time steps # TT <- 30 # ## number of spp/guilds # nn <- 4 # ## CASE 1: linear food chain; starting values are random # B0_lfc <- matrix(list(0),nn,nn) # diag(B0_lfc) <- "dd" # for(i in 1:(nn-1)) { # B0_lfc[i,i+1] <- "td" # B0_lfc[i+1,i] <- "bu" # } # ## inspect B0 # B0_lfc # ## simulate & plot states # lfc <- simTVVAR(Bt=NULL,topo=B0_lfc,TT=TT,var_QX=rev(seq(1,4)/40),cov_QX=0,var_QB=0.05,cov_QB=0) # matplot(t(lfc$states),type="l") # # ## CASE 2: 1 consumer & n-1 producers; starting values are random # B0_cp <- matrix(list("cf"),nn,nn) # B0_cp[1:(nn-1),nn] <- "td" # B0_cp[nn,1:(nn-1)] <- "bu" # diag(B0_cp) <- "dd" # ## inspect B0 # B0_cp # ## simulate & plot states # cp <- simTVVAR(Bt=NULL,topo=B0_lfc,TT=TT,var_QX=rev(seq(1,4)/40),cov_QX=0,var_QB=0.05,cov_QB=0) # matplot(t(cp$states),type="l") # # ## simulate a second realization of CASE 2 using same B # cp2 <- simTVVAR(Bt=cp$B_mat,topo=B0_lfc,TT=TT,var_QX=rev(seq(1,4)/40),cov_QX=0,var_QB=0.05,cov_QB=0)
# set.seed(123) # ## number of time steps # TT <- 30 # ## number of spp/guilds # nn <- 4 # ## CASE 1: linear food chain; starting values are random # B0_lfc <- matrix(list(0),nn,nn) # diag(B0_lfc) <- "dd" # for(i in 1:(nn-1)) { # B0_lfc[i,i+1] <- "td" # B0_lfc[i+1,i] <- "bu" # } # ## inspect B0 # B0_lfc # ## simulate & plot states # lfc <- simTVVAR(Bt=NULL,topo=B0_lfc,TT=TT,var_QX=rev(seq(1,4)/40),cov_QX=0,var_QB=0.05,cov_QB=0) # matplot(t(lfc$states),type="l") # # ## CASE 2: 1 consumer & n-1 producers; starting values are random # B0_cp <- matrix(list("cf"),nn,nn) # B0_cp[1:(nn-1),nn] <- "td" # B0_cp[nn,1:(nn-1)] <- "bu" # diag(B0_cp) <- "dd" # ## inspect B0 # B0_cp # ## simulate & plot states # cp <- simTVVAR(Bt=NULL,topo=B0_lfc,TT=TT,var_QX=rev(seq(1,4)/40),cov_QX=0,var_QB=0.05,cov_QB=0) # matplot(t(cp$states),type="l") # # ## simulate a second realization of CASE 2 using same B # cp2 <- simTVVAR(Bt=cp$B_mat,topo=B0_lfc,TT=TT,var_QX=rev(seq(1,4)/40),cov_QX=0,var_QB=0.05,cov_QB=0)
is the primary function for fitting TVVARSS models data.
tvvarss( y, de_mean = TRUE, topo = NULL, dynamicB = TRUE, family = "gaussian", x0 = NULL, shared_q = NULL, shared_r = NULL, process = NULL, mcmc_iter = 1000, mcmc_warmup = 500, mcmc_thin = 1, mcmc_chain = 3, ... )
tvvarss( y, de_mean = TRUE, topo = NULL, dynamicB = TRUE, family = "gaussian", x0 = NULL, shared_q = NULL, shared_r = NULL, process = NULL, mcmc_iter = 1000, mcmc_warmup = 500, mcmc_thin = 1, mcmc_chain = 3, ... )
y |
The data (array, with dimensions = site, year, species) |
de_mean |
Whether or not to de_mean the process model; defaults to TRUE.
For example, |
topo |
Optional list matrix describing the presumed topology of the community. Pairwise interactions are specified as density-dependent ("dd"), top-down ("td"), bottom-up ("bu"), competitive/facilitative ("cf"), or absent ("zero"). |
dynamicB |
Logical indicator of whether to fit a dynamic B matrix that varies through time (or a static B matrix that does not); defaults to TRUE. |
family |
Statistical distribution for the observation model, defaults to "gaussian". But can be any of "gaussian", "binomial", "poisson", "gamma", "lognormal" |
x0 |
The location matrix (mean) of priors on initial states; defaults to centered on observed data. |
shared_q |
Optional matrix (number of species x number of sites) with integers indicating which process variance parameters are shared; defaults to unique process variances for each species that are shared across sites. |
shared_r |
Optional matrix (number of species x number of sites) with integers indicating which observation variance parameters are shared; defaults to unique observation variances for each species that are shared across sites. |
process |
Vector that optionally maps sites to states. Defaults to each site as its own state |
mcmc_iter |
Number of MCMC iterations, defaults to 1000 |
mcmc_warmup |
Warmup / burn in phase, defaults to 500 |
mcmc_thin |
MCMC thin, defaults to 1 |
mcmc_chain |
MCMC chains, defaults to 3 |
... |
Extra arguments to pass to sampling |
an object of class 'stanfit'