Speed Comparisons

Here are speed and estimate comparisons of EM, BFGS with the Kalmon filter (no gradient functions), TMB and Tim Clines original code.

Example data

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
data(lakeWAplankton, package = "MARSS")
phytoplankton <- c("Cryptomonas", "Diatoms", "Greens", "Unicells", "Other.algae")
dat <- as.data.frame(lakeWAplanktonTrans) |>
  subset(Year >= 1980 & Year <= 1989) |>
  subset(select=phytoplankton) |>
  t() |>

Fit models without covariates

R <- "unconstrained"
mod.list <- list(R=R, m=1, tinitx=1)

Fit with MARSS with EM or optim and BFGS.

m1 <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list, form='dfa', z.score=FALSE, silent = TRUE)
m2 <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list, form='dfa', z.score=FALSE, silent = TRUE, method="BFGS")

Fit with TMB.

#> Warning: marssTMB was built with TMB and Matrix versions 1.9.4 and 1.5.4
#> TMB and Matrix versions installed on your computer are 1.9.16 and 1.7.2
#> If you run into problems, run marssTMB_CheckPackageVersions(silent = FALSE) for instructions.
m3 <- dfaTMB(dat, model=list(m=1, R=R))
m4 <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list, form='dfa', method="TMB", silent=TRUE)
m5 <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list, method="BFGS_TMB", form='dfa', silent=TRUE)

Log likelihoods

name logLik
MARSS-EM -772.4017
MARSS-BFGS -772.4011
dfaTMB-nlminb -772.4011
MARSS_tmb-nlminb -772.4011
MARSS_tmb-optim-BFGS -783.0471

Compare parameter estimates

Add example with covariates

For form="dfa", pass in covariates with covariates=xyz. If using the default model form (not dfa), then pass in covariates with model$d or model$c.

Fit model

# use a simpler R
R <- "diagonal and unequal"
mod.list2 <- list(m=3, R=R, tinitx=1)
# add a temperature covariate
temp <- as.data.frame(lakeWAplanktonTrans) |>
    subset(Year >= 1980 & Year <= 1989) |>
covar <- t(temp) |> zscore()
m <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list2, form="dfa", covariates=covar, silent = TRUE, z.score = FALSE, method="TMB", fit=FALSE)
t6 <- system.time(m6 <- marssTMB:::MARSSfit.TMB(m, fun=1))
t6c <- system.time(m6c <- marssTMB:::MARSSfit.TMB(m, fun=2))
t7 <- system.time(m7 <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list2, form="dfa", covariates=covar, silent = TRUE, control=list(maxit=10000), z.score = FALSE))
t6b <- system.time(m6b <- dfaTMB(dat, model=list(m=3, R=R), 
                    EstCovar = TRUE, Covars = covar))

Add a 2nd covariate

TP <- as.data.frame(lakeWAplanktonTrans) |>
    subset(Year >= 1980 & Year <= 1989) |>
covar <- rbind(covar, t(TP)) |> zscore()
m <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list2, form="dfa", covariates=covar, silent = TRUE, z.score=FALSE, method="TMB", fit=FALSE)
t8 <- system.time(m8 <- marssTMB:::MARSSfit.TMB(m, fun=1))
t8c <- system.time(m8c <- marssTMB:::MARSSfit.TMB(m, fun=2))
t9 <- system.time(m9 <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list2, form="dfa", covariates=covar, silent = TRUE, control=list(maxit=10000), z.score=FALSE))
t8b <- system.time(m8b <- dfaTMB(dat, model=list(m=3, R=R), 
                    EstCovar = TRUE, Covars = covar))

Compare time and log likelihoods

The MARSS_tmb-1 uses the splitting approach for the diag versus the chol, while tmb-2 is using just the chol. Clearly splitting is faster.

name num_covar time logLik
MARSS-EM 1 8.838 -735.6308
MARSS_tmb-1 1 0.195 -735.6308
MARSS_tmb-2 1 0.234 -735.6308
dfaTMB 1 0.183 -735.6308
MARSS-EM 2 10.362 -731.2380
MARSS_tmb-1 2 0.249 -731.2378
MARSS_tmb-2 2 0.302 -731.2378
dfaTMB 2 0.240 -731.2378

Compare parameter estimates

More MARSS models

cat("mod <- list(Z = matrix(1, 3, 1), R = 'diagonal and equal')\n")
#> mod <- list(Z = matrix(1, 3, 1), R = 'diagonal and equal')
c(EM=fit1$logLik, BFGS=fit2$logLik, TMB=fit2$logLik)
#>       EM     BFGS      TMB 
#> 15.70271 15.70369 15.70369
#> MARSS(dat)
c(EM=fit1$logLik, BFGS=fit2$logLik, TMB=fit2$logLik)
#>       EM     BFGS      TMB 
#> 17.84491 17.85200 17.85200
cat("mod <- list(Q = 'unconstrained')\n")
#> mod <- list(Q = 'unconstrained')
c(EM=fit1$logLik, BFGS=fit2$logLik, TMB=fit2$logLik)
#>       EM     BFGS      TMB 
#> 30.36813 28.13780 28.13780
cat('list(U = matrix(c("N", "S", "S")))\n')
#> list(U = matrix(c("N", "S", "S")))
c(EM=fit1$logLik, BFGS=fit2$logLik, TMB=fit2$logLik)
#>       EM     BFGS      TMB 
#> 17.48233 17.48957 17.48957
cat('list(U = matrix(list("N", "N", 0), 3, 1), R = diag(0.01, 3))\n')
#> list(U = matrix(list("N", "N", 0), 3, 1), R = diag(0.01, 3))
c(EM=fit1$logLik, BFGS=fit2$logLik, TMB=fit2$logLik)
#>       EM     BFGS      TMB 
#> 15.47987 15.48018 15.48018
cat('list(Z = Z, Q = "diagonal and equal", R = "diagonal and unequal", U = "equal")\n')
#> list(Z = Z, Q = "diagonal and equal", R = "diagonal and unequal", U = "equal")
c(EM=fit1$logLik, BFGS=fit2$logLik, TMB=fit2$logLik)
#>       EM     BFGS      TMB 
#> 24.70020 24.70584 24.70584

Run some time comparisons

df2 <- df %>% mutate(mod = paste0(fun, "_", opt.function)) |>
  select(mod, time, m, R, ncovar) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols=c(m, R, ncovar), names_from = mod, values_from = time) |>
    MARSS_EM = MARSS_EM/TMB_nlminb,
    TMB_nlminb = TMB_nlminb/TMB_nlminb
  ) |>
  mutate(ncovar = as.factor(ncovar)) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = 4:6)
mean.improv <- df2 |> subset(name != "TMB_nlminb") |> summarize(mean = mean(value))
ggplot(df2, aes(alpha=ncovar, fill=name, y=value, x=m)) + 
    geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge", color="black") +
  facet_wrap(~R, scales = "free_y") +
  ylab("Time relative to TMB") +
  scale_y_continuous() +
  ggtitle(paste("speed relative to TMB.", round(mean.improv, digits=2), "fold improvement"))
#> Warning: Using alpha for a discrete variable is not advised.

df2 <- df |> mutate(mod = paste0(fun, "-", opt.function))
df2$ncovar <- as.factor(df2$ncovar)
ggplot(df2, aes(col=ncovar, y=logLik, x=m, shape=mod)) + 
    geom_point(position=position_dodge(width=0.3)) +
  facet_wrap(~R, scales = "free_y") +
  scale_y_continuous() +
  ggtitle("logLik comparison")