We’ll use the same data in the MARSS manual, from Mark’s example in the Columbia River. The data are accessed with
We can start with fitting a DLM that includes no covariates, but a random walk in the intercept (mean).
Next, we can fit a model with constant intercept, but time-varying slope.
mod2 = fit_stan(y = SalmonSurvCUI$logit.s, x = SalmonSurvCUI$CUI.apr,
Finally, we can fit a model with both a time varying intercept and a time varying slope.
We’ve implemented several non-normal observation model distributions
in stan_fit
, including “binomial”, “poisson”, “gamma”, etc.
As an example of how to use these in a DLM setting, we’ll fit a DLM with
time-varying mean and Poisson response to a time series of ecoli data,
collected weekly. The data are in the tscount
We could fit a Poisson GLM in fit_stan
with the
mod = fit_stan(y=y$cases,
x = model.matrix(lm(y$cases~1)),
But the regression model assumes independent observations between time steps. To include the autocorrelation between time points, we can fit a DLM,
y = data.frame(cases = rpois(20,2))
mod = fit_stan(y$cases,
This more flexible model captures the data much better. Note: the credible intervals are on the mean, not new data.
pars = extract(mod)
plot(apply(exp(pars$intercept), 2, mean), type="l", lwd=3, ylim=c(0,100), ylab="E coli", xlab="")
lines(apply(exp(pars$intercept), 2, quantile,0.025))
lines(apply(exp(pars$intercept), 2, quantile,0.975))
points(y$cases, col="red", cex=0.3)
Estimated fit of the DLM with Poisson observation model applied to E. coli count data.